Detroit 2015

2015 ELCA Youth Gathering
Tammy Jones West

It’s that time again. Every three years in the fall prior to the actual gathering we gear up, make our decisions, gather information and begin the registration process for the ELCA Youth Gathering. This year is no different. Approximately 1,000 youth and adult advisors from across our synod will hit the submit button on October 15th – saying, “Yes, we’re going to Detroit.” Will you be with them? I will. I have agreed to serve on the Proclaim Story Day Team. This is the day we gather as a synod to worship, share, learn and laugh. This is the day we will also celebrate together the ministry of our dear Bishop Bolick. One of his final days serving as our bishop and it just so happens that 1,000 NC Synod Lutherans can be together in Michigan to say thank you and Godspeed. ☺

So, why Detroit? What about safety? What about…..? I’ve heard your questions, fears, and concerns. Some of them were my own. There are other places I’d rather have gone simply because of logistics. I prefer a place where walking everywhere is an option. I prefer a place where synods can be housed together. I prefer a place where it’s not so expensive to fly there. The problem with all those phrases is “I.” This is not about me. Yes, there are concerns and when I’m concerned I’m not the best at trusting the Holy Spirit. I want to make things right myself. Not the greatest example on the planet – true confession time. However, our team has spent a considerable amount of time working through the Gospel of Mark. Mark 1:1 keeps reminding me that this is “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” We are part of that story. Detroit is part of that story. How we proclaim Christ – how we proclaim our story within God’s story is important.

I think we gather in Detroit, not to bring Jesus to Detroit. We are called there to witness how the kingdom is being proclaimed; how the story of that city does in ways translate into our story; how our stories at home are part of a much bigger story and how our call to discipleship means we go not where I prefer but where we are called.

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